Friday 11 November 2016

Introducing Protista Kingdom

Let's have a look to one of the most amazing kingdoms in nature: 
In this video we are going to watch some protozoa in their habitats.

Sunday 6 November 2016

Five Kingdoms of Life

Every living creature on Earth belongs to a kingdom. Scientists debate how many kingdoms there are, but most agree there are five. Here is how the five kingdoms are organized.

Monera (bacteria)

Monera are single-celled organisms that don’t have a nucleus. Bacteria make up the entire kingdom. There are more forms of bacteria than any other organism on Earth. Some bacteria are beneficial to us, such as the ones found in yogurt. Others can cause us to get sick.


Protists are mostly single-celled organisms that have a nucleus. They usually live in water. Some protists move around, while others stay in one place. Examples of protists include some algae and protozoa.


Fungi are usually motionless organisms that absorb nutrients for survival. They include mushrooms, moulds, and yeasts.


Plants contain chlorophyll, a green pigment necessary for photosynthesis, a process in which plants convert energy from sunlight into food. They are fixed in one place. Plants are divided into two groups: flower- and fruit-producing plants and those that don’t produce flowers or fruits.


Animals are the most complex organisms on Earth. Animals are multi-celled organisms, eat food for survival, and have nervous systems. They are divided into vertebrates and invertebrates and include mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish

Tuesday 25 October 2016

¿Diestros, zurdos, ambidextros, con lateralidad cruzada?
El término lateralidad diestra o zurda se utiliza para explicar el hemisferio cerebral que organiza la información que entra en el cerebro, su interpretación y la salida de esta información. Los tipos de lateralidad que hay son:

  • Diestro: Habitualmente utiliza la mano derecha para realizar las acciones. Cuando la persona es diestra se debe a la existencia de una dominancia cerebral izquierda.
  • Zurdo: Es la persona que utiliza la mano izquierda para hacer las cosas. Un individuo puede ser zurdo cuando los principales centros de mando se encuentran en el hemisferio derecho.
  • Zurdería Contrariada: Su lado izquierdo es el dominante, pero utilizan la derecha por influencias sociales y culturales.
  • Ambidextrismo: Utilización de los dos lados del cuerpo. Puede haber dificultades en el aprendizaje relacionados con la utilización del espacio al escribir o en otras situaciones.
  • Lateralidad Cruzada: Se utilizan claramente diferentes lados del cuerpo por “cruces” de ojo, oído, o ambos. Por ejemplo, en caso de ojo derecho, oído derecho y mano y pie zurdos, puede darse lateralidad cruzada. Si todo es diestro y el ojo es el izquierdo: es diestro con cruce visual. Si todo es diestro y el oído es el izquierdo, es diestro con cruce auditivo.
  • Lateralidad sin definir: La expresión lateralidad sin definir se refiere a la utilización de un lado del cuerpo u otro, sin la aplicación de un patrón definido y estable. En esos casos el empleo de una mano, ojo, oído o pierna, no es constante ni está diferenciada totalmente.

Sunday 9 October 2016



This system, also called cardiovascular system, carries blood with oxygen and nutrients all over the body and collects waste substances and carbon dioxide.

In order to understand this video, here you have some words related to this system.

Heart: corazón
Blood Vessels: Vasos sanguíneos
Veins: venas (sangre "sucia"transporta sustancias de desecho)
Arteries: arterias (sangre "limpia")
Atrium: Aurícula
Ventriculum: ventrículo
Valves: Válvulas


This system, also known as "urinary system", cleans the blood of waste products.

Some words you should know in this system are:
Kidneys: riñones
Ureter: uréter
Bladder: vejiga



This system takes the oxygen we need from the air and expels carbon dioxide.

Let's remember some words related to this system.

Nose: nariz
Nostils: fosas nasales
Trachea/wind pipe: tráquea
Bronchi: los bronquios
Lungs: pulmones
Alveoli: alvéolos pulmonares.
Diaphragm: diafragma



This system converts food into simpler substances that our body can use.
Here you can have a look to the different parts of this system. I hope you enjoy it.
Buccal cavity: cavidad bucal
Esophagus or Oesophagus: esófago
Stomach: estómago
Small intestine: intestino delgado
Liver: hígado.
Pancreas: pancreas.
Large intestine: intestino grueso.
Anus: ano


Humans are viviparous. It means that our mother had to give us birth from her womb.


Interaction enables us to collect information from our surroundings and respond to it. The following organs ans systems are involved in interaction.

Sense organs
We have 5 senses: hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell.


The nervous system

It carries the information from the sense organs and prepares the answer properly.

The locomotor system.
This system receives an order from nervous system and respond with movement.

Friday 30 September 2016

TYPES OF CELLS (cellular specialisation)

Here you can watch this video about the different kinds of cells we can find in animals. I hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Levels of organisation

Multicellular living things are made up of many different types of cells. These cells work together to same function.

  • CELLS: The first level of organization is the cell.

  • TISSUES: They are groups of the same type of cells. All cells which form a tissue perform the same function   Example:Animals have muscle tissue which consist of many muscle cells

  • ORGANS: Tissues join together to form organs. Tissues in organs work together to perform a common function.   Example: Muscle tissues join together to make the muscle organ.

  • SYSTEM: Several organs that perform a function together form a system, such as the digestive system.

  • ORGANISM: finally , all the different types of systems work together to form an organism. In a multicellular living thing, cells, tissues, organs and systems all work together so the organism works correctly

Tuesday 27 September 2016


The cell
All living things are made of cells. A cell is the smallest unit of life. It is a living thing because it performs the three vital functions: nutrition, interaction and reproduction.

Parts of the cell
Animal cell:
These parts are in both animal and plant cells. Plant cells usually are bigger and have a regular shape, animal cells can be many different shapes.
Cytoplasm: it is inside the cell. It is a viscous liquid and the organelles are in it.
The nucleus: contains the material necessary to reproduce the cell and to control its activities. It is surrounded by a membrane.
The cell membrane: it is the covering around the cell. It takes part in the interaction function.
Organelles: control various functions.

Plant cell:
A part from these, plants have got two more parts.
The cell wall: it is a rigid structure that surrounds the cell membrane and protects the cell.
Chloroplasts: are green organelles that get the light and produce nutrients. Chloroplasts contains chlorophyl.

 Here you can watch this video just to make things clear.


The size of living things.
Macroscopic things: they are living things that we can see with the naked eye
Microscopic things: also known as microorganisms. They are living things that are so small that we cannot observe them even with a magnifying glass. To look at this living things we need and instrument called microscope.

 Have you ever seen something through the microscope? Let's have a look!

Monday 26 September 2016


The characteristics of living things: The three vital functions:
All living things perform specific functions called VITAL FUNCTIONS

Nutrition:  the transformation of food into simple substances called nutrients and how they get energy from them.
Interaction: is the ability to adapt or change the environment or inside the body and to react to them.
Reproduction: when living things produce offspring similar to themselves.

Enjoy this video!